Book + 5 videos accessible via QR code
Edited by Alessandra Anceschi and Elena Maccaferri
March 2022, 176 pages
ISBN 978-88-87960-96-9
Bilingual Italian-English edition
40.00 лв.
Dance and music share a privileged relationship with the body, that instrument we use for both perceiving and representing. It is precisely through the bodily matrix that the contents of this book aim to allow these two performing arts to engage with the world of education.
For this reason, the book offers contributions from philosophical, ethnomusicological, neuro-scientific and artistic fields, interwoven with the projects designed in the municipal infant-toddler centres and preschools of Reggio Emilia, narrated also in the related videos, and sets out to enrich past and future experiences with new meanings.
The book documents the results of a seminar promoted in 2014 by the Tavolo 0-6 per la danza e la musica [0-6 round table for dance and music], a competent and dedicated inter-institutional working group established in Reggio Emilia to better qualify the presence of these two languages in the daily activities in early childhood services and in teacher professional development.
Book + 5 videos accessible via QR code
Edited by Alessandra Anceschi and Elena Maccaferri
March 2022, 176 pages
ISBN 978-88-87960-96-9
Bilingual Italian-English edition
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